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Celebrating Our Veterans on Memorial Day

It’s hard to imagine the extreme hot and cold temperatures that soldiers faced during the Civil War. Especially from the comfort of homes with air conditioning and heat.

This Memorial Day, we’re proud as we remember the sacrifices that so many Americans have made in defense of our great country, and we look forward to taking a moment to celebrate them.

Understanding the significance of the holiday, the implications to these brave men and women, and how their families deal with the situations today, is essential not only to be an American but a McKinney resident.

So read on to learn more about the holiday, and understand why we are honored to celebrate our customers, neighbors, and friends.

How Decoration Day Became Memorial Day

decorationdayBefore this celebration of our fallen soldiers was called Memorial Day, it was known as Decoration Day. The holiday’s origins come from the decoration of soldiers’ graves following the Civil War.

On May 30, 1868, General John Logan established the first official Decoration Day, which would later become a government holiday – allowing everyone the opportunity to honor the fallen.

Addressing thousands on that day in Arlington National Cemetery, James Garfield honored the great sacrifice of so many soldiers, praising their heroics: “For love of country they accepted death, and thus resolved all doubts, and made immortal their patriotism and their virtue.”

A Day to Celebrate United States Armed Forces

armedforcesDecoration Day gradually became known as Memorial Day. After World War I, the scope of the day was expanded to remember and honor all of those Americans that have died in service to our country.

Since 1971, the last Monday in May has officially served as Memorial Day, an opportunity for all of us to pause and reflect upon the selfless service that so many Americans have made to protect our freedoms and democracy.

Memorial Day celebrations continue to involve trips to cemeteries to decorate the graves of fallen soldiers, but they also now include parades, family gatherings, and community events.

For many, Memorial Day also serves as the unofficial kickoff of summer. However you plan to enjoy the day this year, take a moment to remember, honor and appreciate the sacrifice that so many members of our Armed Forces have made over the last two centuries.

Our Genuine Thanks to You

thankyouclientsToday, as we are filled with gratitude for the service of our Armed Forces, we are also overwhelmed with gratitude for our clients.

At Burnside Air Conditioning, Heating & Indoor Air Quality we are honored and proud to do the work that we do, and we’re so thankful for the clients that make it possible.

As we remember the many things that make our community and country great, we’re thankful to be a small part of that. Thank you for giving us this opportunity!

This Memorial Day whether you find yourself in military service, a local parade, or a family cookout, take a moment to reflect upon the service of so many men and women that have defended our ideals and protected the country that we’re proud to call home.