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5 Great Ways to Feel Comfortable at Home During Extreme Summer Weather in Cold Spring, TX

Summer Weather

The summer weather brings sunshine and warmer temperatures, but it also brings excessive heat. According to one survey, most Americans say that they prefer the fall over the other seasons of the year.

If you're in Cold Spring, Texas, you understand how important it is to beat the Texas heat.

Check out these tips to help you make sure that you stay cool at home during these hot summer months.

1. Upgrade to A Programmable Thermostat

One way to reduce energy costs and keep your home cool is to install a programmable thermostat. These modern wonders make it easy to control your home's indoor temperature from anywhere, even if you're not at home.

The best thermostat temperature to use is typically around 78 degrees Fahrenheit. This thermostat temp keeps your home cool without putting too much strain on your unit. With a programmable thermostat, you can maintain the best temperature for AC consistently.

2. Replace Your Filter

You should replace your HVAC filter every 30, 60, or 90 days depending on the manufacturer's recommendations. One of the smartest things to do during summer weather is to make sure that your filter is clean.

A clean filter will keep the cool air running through the house, and it may also help to improve air circulation throughout your home. It also ensures that the unit runs smoothly so you can cope with the Texas heat and avoid having to pay for AC services if something breaks.

3. Cover Your Windows to Beat Summer Heat

Summer heat can get intense in Cold Spring, TX, so it's crucial to make sure that your home's interior stays as cool as possible. Covering your windows with room-darkening curtains or blinds is one way to block the sun's heat from entering your home.

You can also use a special film that you can apply directly to the windows to block UV rays. Pull the shades and keep curtains closed during the daytime to help keep indoor temperatures as cool as possible.

4. Use Ceiling Fans

A ceiling fan improves air circulation and keeps things cooler in general. Use a fan in upstairs rooms to prevent stagnant air from just sitting inside your home.

Once you set your thermostat to the best temperature for AC and use ceiling fans, your home should stay tolerable throughout the summer season. Make sure your fans are running counterclockwise so they create a downdraft.

5. Consult with the Professionals

Summer heat can be tough in Cold Springs, TX, so it's crucial that your HVAC system is operating smoothly. Before summer arrives, have your system inspected to ensure that everything is operational.

If something is wrong, it's best to have all air conditioning repairs done before the temperatures soar. Consulting with experts will ensure that your entire system is in top shape to help you beat the heat.

Keep Cool and Carry On

Remember these tips to help you beat the summer heat. From checking the best thermostat temp to getting AC services in Cold Spring TX, these simple tips will ensure that your home stays comfortable all season long.

If you need AC services or a new AC system installed, contact the pros at Burnside Air Conditioning & Heating today!